Jeff Calnan was scheduled to present at our meeting on 9/12 but was unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. We thought we'd use this space to help deliver his message. Best Buddies Massachusetts is looking for caring and compassionate adults who are looking to connect with others.  Best Buddies Citizens Program pairs adults with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) with adults without IDD in one-to-one friendships!

There are currently 5,778 Best Buddy Citizens! - watch this video to learn more
One to One Commitment - Each month buddy pairs have a commitment to regularly communicate and get together. Buddy pairs are expected to communicate with one another on a weekly basis. This can be done via phone, email, social media, etc. Buddy pairs are expected to get together twice a month during the first six months of being matched. After the initial six months, matches have the option to get together for a longer period (four hours or more) once a month. Each match is asked to commit to their friendship for at least a year. For more information, contact us at
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